Merritt Animal Hospital 519-360-4508

Bloodwork Services for Pets

A simple method used to identify early signs of diseases in pets.

Bloodwork Services for Pets

A simple method used to identify early signs of diseases in pets.

When veterinarians cannot diagnose a pet's condition after a physical examination, they often rely on bloodwork to provide the answers. At Merritt Animal Hospital, we are delighted to offer fast and efficient bloodwork services to our clients. Our in-house blood analysis machines can provide results within one hour, allowing our veterinarians to quickly and accurately diagnose your pet and start treatment immediately. For more information about our bloodwork services, please call us at 519-360-4508.

Why is it important to perform blood tests for dogs and cats?

Blood tests can help veterinarians correctly diagnose your pet and suggest the best-suited treatment plan. It is also important to perform blood tests on your pet to identify early signs of diseases such as liver and kidney disease. Running in-house bloodwork can give our veterinarians valuable information about your pet's health. 

Does it hurt pets when blood is drawn?

Drawing out blood for testing is very similar to getting vaccinations. It is not a painful process; all your pet feels is a slight pinch when the needle is inserted. Only a small amount of blood is needed; thus, the process happens quickly.

Are the bloodwork results emailed to me?

The bloodwork results are sent to the veterinarian, who will speak with you and explain the test results and what it means for your pet's health.

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